A new version of the nbm-maven-plugin has been released – version 3.8 is now ready to be used. 😀 The documentation for the new version can be found here. To build your platform application with the new version of this Maven plugin, simply change the version of the plugin in the parent pom.xml to 3.8.
You are probably now wondering why this release is noteworthy. I have been waiting a long time for this, since it provides 64-bit launchers support! This means that if you are running the IDE on a 64-bit JDK, and you run a Maven-based NetBeans Platform application from the IDE, you will see the application’s output as expected in the Output window of the IDE. (See this post for more background information.)
In this release the use of the modules.xml file is deprecated in favour of specifying the properties in the pom.xml itself. Have a look at the nbm:nbm goal documentation for more information about the new properties. They include author, licenseFile and licenseName.