My name is Hermien Pellissier. I an instructional designer and lecturer living in Gauteng, South Africa. I am a former member of the NetBeans Dream Team and also a former community elected member of the NetBeans Governance Board (for term 20). I participated in many NetCAT programs since NetCAT 7.0.
When I am not working, I enjoy photography. See also my site called Illumination dedicated to my photography.
If you want to contact me, leave a comment here or e-mail me at
Hi Hermien.
Thanks for the introduction yesterday evening.
I started downloading and installing Netbeans. It looks like a real nice IDE.
I am just wondering if I should go into application development. There is such allot of areas one can go into when one work in such a great IDE….
Then there is the question…. What type of application and where can I learn the code from.
Do you have any suggestions???
Kind regards
Hi Schalk,
It really depends on what you want to accomplish, or more to the point what your client wants if that is somebody else:
* If you want to develop desktop applications, I would suggest building them on top of the NetBeans Platform. Start with the excellent resources on the learning trail: This is what I personally enjoy doing the most.
* If you want to develop enterprise and web applications, there is also a learning trail on the NetBeans website: This is probably the area where most Java development takes place these days, especially in corporates. Honestly, in South Africa this likely pays the best salaries on average…
* If you want to develop mobile applications, it is by no means as clear cut where to start. But as a first idea, look at this post about Android development: In my opinion, mobile development is growing a lot. But it is a much more difficult market to get into than the other two.
On the topic of desktop vs. web vs. mobile, read these articles:
With all of that said, you should also seriously consider what you enjoy doing. Is it worthwhile getting paid a bit better to do something you hate? 🙂
Best wishes,
Thanks allot Hermien.
I will probably look at the web aps 😉
Thank you for the links aswell.
Kind regards