You might remember my post a while ago about using Articulate Storyline 360 to create a tutorial entitled .NET Core Web Services with MySQL Data. Well, since I still had time left on my free trial, I decided to also learn how to use Articulate Rise 360. Rise is a tool to create responsive e-learning content, that will respond to different formats (phone, table, desktop) rather than just scale like Storyline does.
I started working on content for game developers about database design with Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERDs) in Unified Modelling Language (UML) notation a couple of months ago. When I was teaching Databases last semester, I realised that there is very little content out there about ERDs in UML, let alone with game development examples. I originally planned to create a single PDF document. But then I needed a project to do in Rise. So, I decided to convert it into an e-learning course using Rise. The result is available here.